Camden Military Academy was sued in federal court in South Carolina by a former student who alleged that the school failed to protect him from hazing and sexual assault. The plaintiff lives in the Atlanta area and a Georgia web publication, Southern Free Press, published a piece on the plaintiff and his suit. The military school sought to depose the reporter and issued a subpoena for her deposition in Georgia. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia granted the reporter’s motion to quash the subpoena on grounds that the reporter was protected from being forced to testify by privileges arising under the First Amendment and reporter shield laws in both Georgia and South Carolina. The reporter was represented by Bill Davis and Jay Bender.
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Baker, Ravenel & Bender, L.L.P.
3710 Landmark Drive, Suite 400 Columbia, SC 29204 Phone: 803-799-9091 Fax: 803-779-3423 Get Map
3710 Landmark Drive, Suite 400 Columbia, SC 29204 Phone: 803-799-9091 Fax: 803-779-3423 Get Map
A Commitment To Client Service
Our firm's roots extend nearly a century. A number of fine attorneys have built our reputation over the years. Our longevity is clearly attributable to one thing: top-notch client service.
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Firm History
Baker Ravenel & Bender, L.L.P is one of South Carolina's oldest law firms. The firm was established around 1900 as Melton & Belser and eventually became Belser & Belser.
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