Business Litigation

As a full-service litigation firm, Baker Ravenel & Bender provides South Carolina clients with the trial representation they need, including defense and appellate work.  Having successfully litigated thousands of cases, we can meet the demands of the most complex legal battles of a number of types of disputes, including:

•   Covenants not to compete

•   Commercial contracts

•   Commercial leases

•   Non-payment issues

•   Breach of contract

•   Partnership and shareholder disputes

Community Association/HOA

When a planned community becomes more than just the glimmer of an idea, it is time to hire experienced legal advice.

The legalities begin with the documents officially forming the community or homeowners association. What guidelines are needed to keep the community harmonious? How will fees be collected? How will the governing body be set up? What types of funds will be created and how will revenue and spending be segregated? Those all are questions that need addressed early on.

Later, there will be issues such as handling those who fall behind on fees or who sue the association after an accident on common property.

Baker Ravenel & Bender’s attorneys are experienced at handling issues that arise in condominium regimes and other planned communities throughout South Carolina.

Dram Shop Liability

Baker Ravenel & Bender represents South Carolina restaurants and establishments against claims for liability for selling alcohol to visibly intoxicated persons or minors who subsequently injure third parties as a result of alcohol-related accidents.

General Litigation

How do you measure the success of a law firm?

At the Columbia offices of Baker, Ravenel & Bender, we believe that our longevity speaks for itself. As one of the oldest law firms in South Carolina, we have handled thousands of cases since we were established around 1900.

With a team of attorneys that includes  certified arbitrators and mediators, former and current law professors, and attorneys highly regarded by their peers, we have a diverse firm capable of handling a wide range of legal matters in South Carolina state and federal courts.

Most importantly, though, we never forget that the case is about you – your reputation, your assets, your livelihood. We stay in constant communication with clients, outlining options and presenting them with possibilities, allowing them to make informed decisions as litigation progresses toward a favorable resolution.

Hotel, Hospitality and Restaurant Litigation

Whether it is a case involving dram shop liability when someone accuses a bartender of overserving alcohol to a patron or a case involving a guest attacked while on the establishment’s premises by a criminal or a guest injured falling on the premises, hospitality establishments can face a variety of legal challenges. At Baker, Ravenel & Bender, we provide zealous representation to South Carolina’s hotel, hospitality and restaurant industry.

Insurance Coverage

Baker Ravenel & Bender has represented clients through their insurance companies, defending them in matters ranging from construction litigation, dram shop litigation, personal injury litigation, premises liability and products liability. We routinely review policies and provides legal opinions in areas of insurance law, including both first- and third-party coverage.

Our attorneys are experienced in litigating declaratory judgment actions and have done extensive work in trial and appellate courts, litigating insurance coverage issues. We also represent insurer clients in seeking reimbursement and contribution from other insurers. Our firm also assists insurer clients with the investigation of questionable and fraudulent insurance claims.

Media Law

For more than 40 years South Carolina newspapers, broadcasters and other news outlets and publications have looked to Baker, Ravenel & Bender for representation in media-related and First Amendment cases in state and federal courts. The firm has built an outstanding record in media law cases involving the defense of defamation and invasion of privacy claims, asserting access rights to courts and court records and protecting news organizations and reporters from being compelled to become investigators for litigants.

Most of the significant media law cases decided by South Carolina and federal appellate courts during the period have had the firm as a representative of a party or as counsel for friends of the court. The firm has also been a leader in the assertion of rights of access to the records and meetings of public bodies with involvement in many significant cases decided under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act. As the media landscape has changed the firm has represented clients bringing “cybersquatting” claims against domain name poachers and asserting the reporter’s shield law to protect on-line publishers.

Premises Liability

Accidents happen, but when they do someone often is looking for someone to pay for their misfortune.

Baker, Ravenel & Bender defends South Carolina businesses, landlords and landowners who have been sued when guests or tenants trip, slip, or fall and injure themselves on their premises. We also defend cases where people are injured on the premises by a third party who commits a criminal act.

In every case, we carefully weigh the facts and discuss the applicable law with the client so the client can make an informed decision about their responses to the litigation.

Product Liability

Our attorneys represent a wide range of manufacturing companies who have been sued in South Carolina because of an alleged defective product. At Baker, Ravenel & Bender, we are committed to defending our clients vigorously in products liability cases, using our experience and energy to achieve a favorable result in state and federal courts. Whether evaluating a case early for settlement or taking a complex products case to trial, our attorneys have the knowledge and skills to defend manufacturers.
Our attorneys have also served as local counsel in products liability cases, assisting with discovery, mediation and trial.

Real Estate Litigation

Trespass, nuisance, adverse possession, easements, condemnations, eminent domain – Baker, Ravenel & Bender is experienced in these and other areas of real estate litigation, in both residential and commercial settings in South Carolina. Our attorneys also have extensive experience in handling cases on behalf of real estate  brokers and agent,  home inspectors and   developers, defending claims including:

  • Misrepresentation
  • Breach of Contract
  • Defective construction/ Structural damage
  • Termite damage
  • House inspections
  • Boundary disputes
  • Easements and eminent domain
  • Mold damage
  • Landlord/tenant disputes
  • Flooding
  • Enforcement of Deed Restrictions

It is important to conduct a thorough investigation into your real estate dispute in order to properly assess the risks.